Funding for your upcoming business:
Do you have any "Loft Designs" available for me to build my own loft for my birds? Yes we do. These are absolutely free and included when you order our new and highly anticipated publication:
What is a BELAMERICA Pigeon? This is our new genetic bloodline of Champion Belgian White Imports that have been added to our breeding program here at WPS. These are "direct offspring" off of their Guaranteed Parents which were both born and raised, as well as raced in Belgium, then Imported to the USA for our loft program. All our Belamerica White Racing Homing Pigeons are raised off 100% direct Belgian Import Lineage. They are not crossed with any other bloodlines found here in America. Strictly 100% Pure Belgian Blood. GUARANTEED!
To learn more, click this link
Is this website PCI compliant and safe to order products online? Yes. This website is 100% PCI Compliant. We do not store any customers credit card information on file whatsoever. This is to protect your information and identity.
Why should I pay more for birds when I can find a local in my area selling White Homers for a cheaper price?
The bitterness of long lasting poor quality far exceeds the sweetness of an immediate cheap price.
When buying birds for this special kind of business, you need to go to those that have what you need, BECAUSE IT MAKES SENSE, AND THE BIRDS WILL DO WHAT THEY ARE DESIGNED TO DO! While our birds are not cheap mainly due to the large quality investment we have tied up in them, those that are serious about starting a legitimate Dove Business come to us because it makes sense to buy from us. We have what you need to get you started correctly the first time, excellent White Racing Homers. This first step begins by acquiring the best Whites on the market, from the most reputable and well known source, White Pigeon
The cost of buying birds is actually one of the less expensive aspects of the business, believe it or not. One would be wise to consider the overall time and money it will take to properly raise, train, and feed those birds which are the heart of the business.
Let's say you were given (free) birds by someone and you spent 6 months training them, along with feeding them and caring for them, and then you were to lose them on their first training toss because of their poor quality, would those birds have been worth all the time and money spent you invested in them?
Is White Pigeon Sales importing a large group of White Racers from some of the Top World Famous Lofts of Belgium?
Yes, we are:-) These birds are in quarantine currently, and are scheduled to arrive to our palace towards the end of Feb 2015. These will be high end breeders for us, and we will sell direct children off them to those who want to fly them. This is a very exciting time for our business as we are experiencing growth upwards of +50% each year, thanks to all our valued clients we serve. It hasn't been an easy road at times, but it has been a road well worth traveling over the past 25 years to finally see the value and fruits of our labors in establishing ourselves as one of the most reputable White Dove Release Supply companies in the world. We are in the process of establishing some great long term relationships with some of these famous Belgian flyers, and we will be visiting them in Feb as part of our fun vacation while we visit the Racing Pigeon Capital of the World (BELGIUM).
This direction we are headed with the business is necessary due to the increasing volume of poor quality birds that are being raised and sold by others in the USA that know nothing about selective breeding. Theres too much junk out there, and were tired of hearing about it year after year. These imports we will be introducing back into our original Belgium family birds will be of great benefit to you, and your upcoming professional White Dove Release Program. These are birds you can be proud of, while also letting others know you dont buy junk, and certainly dont support paying for junk either. Gone are the days for those that have had to buy birds year after year because they tried to save a few bucks by buying cheap birds from the beginning, only to later find out it actually costs them much more in the long run. These will be priced differently than our Janssens and Delbars, simply because we have more capital tied up and invested in them. As a result, you will get better birds through this process. These will also be able to be flown competitively in One Loft Races, if that's something you'd like to get involved in down the road. The General Price Range for these young whites will sell for $350-$500 Each, and will be DNA Certified and Pedigreed. To Place your order for these special racing kits, please call our customer service hotline. We require a deposit of $1,000 USD for these special birds, and will only raise them on a special order basis. Download Comparison fact sheet here:
Does White Pigeon Sales raise all the birds they sell?
At White Pigeon Sales we raise all the birds we sell within our business, and we ship them direct to your place, safely, efficiently, and effectively as has been done over the last decade. On occasion, we may receive additional help from some of our partners that work for us to provide the birds to the industry year after year. Effective Jan 1, 2015, all certified breeders are required to purchase each and every breeding pair of birds directly from us that choose to participate in our program. We have been extremely selective regarding who we now choose to bring on board our program. There are various important reasons for this new policy. Our Majestic Lofts we own are State of the Art in design!! Yes, we own a lot of highly sought after birds that are used to supply this industry year after year, so good that our competitors have even been known to try and acquire their birds from us.
Our staff follow very strict procedures regarding our large breeding program, keeping the birds healthy all year long, providing lots of loft space available for our birds to prevent overcrowding, as well as many other important measures we have in place. This helps keep our inventory of White Racing Homing Pigeons pure and vibrant so that the good genes are dominant in every bird we ship out to our valued customers. We hope this information has been helpful for you in making an informed decision about why we are able to offer the very best birds to you for your business to succeed. When you make the decision to buy birds for your business, whether you bring your business to us, or you go elsewhere, consider all the factors that separate our established business from our competitors out there.
At White Pigeon Sales we believe in providing all the necessary tools, mentorship, equipment, and information available so that when our customers are ready to start their business, they have the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding starting a White Dove Release Business in their area.
Let us show you how we can help your business succeed. You'll be glad you did.
White Pigeon Sales Team
Email and Phone Consulting available to help your Dove Business become a huge success.
We generally do not charge for short and brief 5-10 minute phone calls, or short email replies you may have with our Customer Service Reps or Secretary, however, we do charge if additional time is necessary in order to accommodate and arrange for you to speak with our consultation expert that has successfully been operating in this business and White Dove Release Industry for over 20 years. Since a large majority of our valued customers work with us via email and telephone communication, a large portion of our time is spent answering telephone calls, as well as responding to email questions people may have regarding the care of the birds, keys to becoming successful in this business, what you "Need" to know, etc. While this consultation time is not necessarily done in person, please be mindful that email and phone consulting do not eliminate the need for us to charge for those consultations. We highly suggest that if you have in depth questions, please, let us help you succeed by allowing us to schedule your consultation with the expert. It's simply the best way to get a lot of questions answered you may have regarding the industry as a whole.
You may be wondering what exactly constitutes the need for a follow up consultation which would require us to schedule a special phone call to you regarding the care of the birds?
Normally 2-3 emails to us is considered reasonable regarding general questions from a Client or Customer.
Taking into consideration our past, anything beyond 3-4 email inquiries tells us that you would greatly benefit by scheduling the telephone consultation which will allow us to cover lots of information with you. We understand that you may be first time pigeon raisers, but please understand, we are very busy with the business. We must keep communication to a minimum in order to continue to provide the best customer service available to everyone. Please be mindful that our Customer Service Rep does answer a lot of the emails that we receive, however, they can only answer basic information, nothing in depth. This is the reason we have the consultation services we offer. It covers a much more in depth scope of one on one time with you.
I am looking to buy 4-8 squeakers just for a hobby, not a business. Can I purchase them from you?
Absolutely! You are more than welcome to purchase them from us for a hobby. We sell many of our birds for both the business side, as well as for the leisure/hobby.
How many years of experience do you guys have with bird raising?
We have well over 80+ years of bird raising and breeding experience combined.
You guys must love being able to play with all those birds you own.
While we love what we do,we actually don't play with the birds we own! We simply help others create successful businesses with the birds they buy from us. Excellent quality stock birds are never cheap! Take it from our experience, as with any business venture, you get what you pay for.
Please understand that what we have invested in our birds is worth literally tens of thousands of dollars more than what most people would ever be willing to pay to have such great birds imported from overseas. We sell our offspring at an extremely reasonable, fair, honest, affordable price. You may find cheaper, but they are more than likely not better for the price we offer..... perhaps this may also be one of the biggest reasons that many end up coming to us after having already wasted several hundreds of dollars elsewhere, only to find out they had junk birds from different sources that were not credible?
Is it true that you guys had a dove release company in Canada that copied your literature directly from your website without your permission, posted it on their existing website, and then tried to use it to their advantage by also attempting to sell dove release franchises?

Yes this is true! This is also the reason we've had to take more aggressive measures in protecting our content from being copied and plagiarized by unethical individuals who lack creativity. DMCA takes care of enforcing and protecting our copywritten material which consists of everything on this website. It works 24/7, and never sleeps.
Do you guys have a catalog you can send in the mail?
Due to the nature and cost of printing literature, we currently do not have a catalog we can ship. Everything you need to find on our website is transparent with the prices. In the near future we may look further into having a catalog published, but for the time being, what we have available for sale on our website is the same content that you would see on a hard copy.
Is it true that birds need to be less than 3 weeks old if I plan on training them to my place?
No, this is not true, it is rather misleading information if anything. We have been getting asked this question by many new customers. Apparently there is a lot of misleading information out there on the world wide web that people have posted that is "Theory" based, and that is all it is "Theory based" not factual . We recommend acquiring birds that are approximately 45-50 days old. The older the birds become, the more difficult it is to settle them in a new loft. Please note that this should only become a concern when the birds are older than 3 months. We have sold thousands of birds over the years, and our customers have had great success with the birds we send out which are the prime age of 45-50 days old(Still Squeakers). They have never had a problem with settling the birds to their new residence, so neither should you.
Never buy birds that are older than 4 months unless you plan on keeping them just as breeders.
We always make sure that the birds we send out are fully weaned and eating on their own. Attempting to send any birds out in the mail system younger than this age range increases the possibilities of dead birds on arrival. These birds need to be healthy enough, as well as strong enough, to be shipped to avoid jeopardizing the safety of the birds.
There are so many theories out there when it comes to training homers, but just remember, they are JUST THEORIES, and they have been proven wrong just about as many times as they have been proven right. When you buy birds from us, we will tell you how old the birds are so there are not any concerns about age. If you buy our breeders, never let them out. If you buy our squeakers, you will be able to let them out of your new loft within 3 weeks after you receive them.
What type of Health Program do you follow to care for all your birds?
We will keep this simple under this section. Our birds are very well take care of in their lofts. Our lofts have proper ventilation systems installed to allow maximum fresh air to enter, then exit the loft. Our lofts are cleaned 3x per week, and this helps cut down on sickness of birds that many experience in other lofts due to lack of proper hygiene procedures.
We vaccinate all our breeders for the following things: PMV, Salmonella, and Pox. We worm our birds on a quarterly basis, 4x per year. We treat all our birds for Cocci and canker prior to letting them fly on our racing team. The water given to the birds is changed on a daily basis, summertime, it is changed 2x per day. We provide all our birds with the highest quality grains, and constantly allow them to have grit and oyster shell in their diet. Garlic is also readily available to all our birds, this keeps the mosquito problem down around the loft.
We treat all our birds with a preventative de-lice agent that keeps the lice off our birds. In addition, all the birds nesting material we provide are first all treated with Pyrethrine, this prevents ticks, fleas, and all other unnecessary bugs from getting into the nest with the breeders. We provide all natural supplements to the birds and try and keep their environment as Anti- Biotic free as possible. Birds are all given the opportunity to Bath in sea salts we use, and it keeps them clean and healthy.
We believe that keeping birds healthy by monitoring each and every one of them is a constant process. We understand that when birds leave our lofts, they may not be treated with as much care as what we have invested in them. It is our desire that if you acquire birds from us, they are taken care of as we have done. We include care instructions as a means to help reduce the stress on the birds and the new environment they will be relocated to. Following these instructions, as well as committing yourself to taking care of the birds on a daily basis will save you time and money in the long run.
How do I get Liability Insurance for my Dove Business?
We are pleased that you ask us about this. Many who are new to this industry and niche business do not realize the "liability" that is involved with releasing doves in the public (Yes there is high liability in this industry). Anytime one releases doves at a wedding, or funeral, or special occasion for that matter, YOU RISK THE CHANCE OF A LAWSUIT IF THINGS GO WRONG!! I know this may sound strange, even foreign in words to some, however, it is true. Since being in this business from 1989 to the present, we have had the opportunity of speaking with independent dove companies that have called us and had lawsuits brought against them because of accidents that happened at the wedding, soiled dresses damaged, emotional distress brought about due to dove handler negligence, etc. (They didn't think about liability insurance until after the fact, learn from their mistakes)
Can you really afford to be in "Business" for yourself if you do not have your assets coverered? If the answer is no, perhaps you seriously may want to consider getting liability insurance before you get into this business. If you are in this business and don't have insurance, look into getting it soon. The way trends are going, many organizations will not let you release doves at their venues unless you have proof of insurance.
Our agent we go through specializes in "niche" business insurance, and they are able to insure our business for $3,900.00 per year, that's just $325.00 per month if you want the breakdown(Based on 1 Million Dollars Coverage). This may seem like a lot, but consider this, if you have something go wrong and you are not insured, is $3,900 really that much considering how much some wedding dresses nowadays cost that you could be required to pay out of your own pocket if something were to go wrong? It's a lot easier to get the insurance to minimize the risk of loss and be covered, rather than taking on the risk without it and gambling with liability.
If you are needing liability insurance, we can get you covered through our agent. It can be rather difficult to find insurance companies out there that are willing to insure dove businesses. The brokerage we go through does not deal directly with the public. We must go through our agent, who then deals with the company.
As was mentioned earlier, many large high profile events are requiring now that dove businesses be insured, that's correct! They want dove businesses to carry at least 1 Million Dollars coverage, and they want proof of it. This basically separates those that "Claim" to be a professional dove company(And there are many that fall into his category), versus one that is not.
To cover your business liability and become part of a truly reputable "Professional Dove Business Industry" get insurance!! feel free to Contact us, and we can get the paperwork started to get your business INSURED.
What is Racing Pigeon Essentials?
This is a wonderful product we have developed over the years. Due to the wonderful results we have seen by using it on our very own birds, others can now buy this product on the website.
RACING PIGEON ESSENTIALS. (Its 100% all natural, packed with numerous vitamins and 5 different kinds of organic acids that keep deadly pathogenic viruses from developing in the birds digestive track. This product is used on the feed just 2 times a week, not in the water where the majority of disease and sickness starts, let alone get's wasted due to changing the water daily as any good loft practice should be followed).
This product will not only help minimize risks of your birds from getting sick, but it will also bring your birds in harmony with 100% organic nature. It's a lot cheaper to use this product as a preventative measure prior to them getting sick, rather than having to use all kinds of Carcinogenic Antibiotics that often times do more harm than overall good to your birds, plus requiring you to spend 3-4 times the amount of what our product costs. Many are aware that Antibiotics are extremely expensive, as well as deadly, if not used properly. Those lofts that use them regularly are asking for disaster down the road in their loft.
We take a completely different approach and believe in providing natural enzymes for our birds. If your birds don't like to fly, there's a very good chance they may be internally sick and not showing external symptoms. If a bird isn't healthy to fly, and you try and take them on tosses, the likelihood of you getting that bird, or birds back is probably slim to none, they will fall prey to animals. If a bird is not healthy, they won't come home, its that simple!!
Can you guarantee the sex of the bird?
We will not guarantee the sex of the bird until the DNA test results are made on a particular bird. This is an additional service which can be purchased at the time of checkout.
We keep many of our pairs in individual breeding quarters so we can drastically reduce the risk of mistaking a cock for a hen or vise versa. The only way we can guarantee the sex of the birds we send out is by having a technician complete a DNA test on the bird.(These DNA tests do not lie, and they remove the possibility of human error). These are not expensive, only ($35.00 per bird). We will send you a copy of the documentation that will indicate whether the bird you have is a cock or a hen.
On occasion birds, (Particularly White Racing Homers) can be very hard to tell the sex on, the characteristics may not always follow the same patterns as what we are used to seeing on commonly colored birds, these include but are not limited to size of the bird, aggressiveness, the shape of the head, and many other characteristics we will not go into further details.
Do you ship birds Internationally? Yes, but there are many factors that determine whether you can import our birds to your country. Before inquiring with us, please check your govt regulations to see if they allow it. If they don't allow it, we cant do it!
In the past we have been asked by customers to do some rather unethical things just to try and get birds to them. We will not do this, neither will we jeopardize our Integrity just to sell you some birds even if you are trying to use money as a leverage, when it comes to laws, we will follow the laws and do not make any exceptions to this rule.
Due to the complexity of Federal laws that are enforced by government agencies and the costs associated with this, please check to see if importing birds from the USA is even possible in your country. If after you obtain all the necessary info that is required for you to import to your country, and there are shipping lines that can service the route, You will need to forward those requirements via email to us (In English). After we obtain this information from you, we will then be able to give you a general cost figure of how much you can expect on paying to obtain our breeding stock.
Can you tell me the best time to purchase birds?
Most certainly! Ideally the best time to purchase birds is between the months of (Jan-Apr), or (Sept-Dec). Understand that it will take a good 4-6 months from the time you acquire the birds until the time you will be able to release them for events in your area. If you are wanting to get started in the business and perform a few liberations for the 2016 year, now is the time to buy the birds while we have them available for shipment. Remember, the fall time there are more losses to birds due to hawks and migration patterns. Plan accordingly..and lock those birds down if the falcons become a resident in your area.
Are white dove releases slowing down since the country has been experiencing a recession?
We have been getting asked this question so much that we would like to post this on our FAQ page. This is an excellent question. The nature of this business deals with 2 markets that will never go away, the wedding sector, and the funeral sector. We personally have doubled our releases consecutively for the last 4 years, and this goes to show that even though people may be cutting back, they really want these services bad enough that they are willing to pay whatever it takes to have them. Many of the Funeral Directors just pay for the services through their corporate accounts, and don't charge their customers. I would like to also add that since companies are down sizing and people are loosing from their 401K's, many are needing to find other avenues to recoup their funds. This is where home based businesses are growing at a phenomenal rate. I can't think of a better way that one could invest their money and have it work and yield a better return, than to start a business that requires much less startup capital than other businesses. The best thing about this business is it's run directly out of your own home, no building leases, electric bills, utility, etc. It's Small Businesses in America that DRIVE the economy, not Large Corporations as many would think. Please see the Small Business Administration website to learn about the facts of home based businesses.
How did you get into the dove release business? When did you start this service?
I've had birds most of my life, but not until I was 12 years old did these birds serve a higher calling for me. At this early age, I lost my grandfather, who was a big part of my life. He accomplished many great things, including graduating from Stanford University with a Doctorate in Mining and Engineering, graduating from the University of Utah with a J.D. in Law, and speaking several foreign languages fluently.
My grandfather always knew about the great passion and respect I had for these birds, and when my father told me of his passing, the inspiration of a "dove release" was a natural reaction. Back in 1989, the Internet wasn't around to promote new ideas and services, and I had never heard of anyone doing a dove release. I had a flock of white homers (rare in those days) that had not been let out of their new loft for about three months (my friend told me they would fly away if I didn't keep them in longer).
After attending my grandfather's funeral service, I felt compelled to dedicate these birds to my grandfather and liberate them, just as he was liberated from physical pain and mortality. I thought if these birds are meant to stay around and not fly away, then I would keep and care for them just as I had wanted to care for my grandfather. I liberated my whole flock the same day. All the beautiful white birds took off gracefully and flew for over 30 minutes. Then to my astonishment, after I blew the whistle to signal feeding time, and they all went right in the loft. I didn't lose a single bird! I believe God and my grandfather were looking down on me, assuring me that he was in safekeeping.
God spoke to me through my heart on this February day in 1989. It was then that I realized I had a gift to share with people who normally would be looking sadly down at the ground when a loved one passed away. Instead, when people looked up towards the sky and watch the birds fly, they would see hope and peace. I continued to release doves at funerals. Word spread about my neat little niche business and it slowly became more popular. People began to pay me for my services, and I made money on the side at a very early age.
I share this story because I believe this service is a type of ministry. I never started this business to make money. Instead, I began this tradition because of the symbolism, hope, and beauty it brings. I found the meaning, and then the money came -- not the other way around.
Do you offer consulting services?
Yes, we do! Yes we will come to you for a designated fee. We encourage coming to you instead since this will be more valuable in helping you establish new accounts in your area, not ours. It's amazing when I look back at how much things have changed since 1989. The Internet has connected people throughout the globe. Though we cannot discuss the trade secrets that have made our business so successful over the years without requiring people to sign our NDA, we are willing to share the basics. (The NDA is necessary to keep honest people honest.)
As a consultant in this business, I am paid for my time, just as an artist, photographer, attorney or other professional. We are not able to give our operations procedures away for free, but we are willing to answer the general questions you may have about the business. If you are serious about getting into this business, we seriously recommend that you sign our NDA and take the valuable White Dove Release Assessment. Afterall, this is about you and your interest in starting a business.
Do you have pedigrees on your birds? If so, how good are they?
Well, I must say this racing sport does get very competitive because people want the best birds they can get their hands on. I do keep pedigrees on my birds. Several have champion bloodlines! Many are grandchildren of first-place middle-distance races. I also keep pedigreed birds directly imported from Belgium. These are from the 600-mile distance races. Please see our Breeders & Pedigrees page to view the record on our birds and some of the pedigrees that are certified correct.
What is the typical lifespan of the birds that you sell?
The typical lifespan of the birds is on average 6-15 years; however, they have been known to live as long as 25 years.
Do you keep track of all the people who use your graphics to promote their own dove business?
Excellent question! Yes, every photo that we sell comes with a "rights to lease agreement"; the customer gets a copy and we keep the original. This protects our works and those of our photographer. We take this matter very seriously due to the time and investment we have in our own business, as well as the time and talent that our photographers have taken to market their talents. We do not work for free, and neither do they.
If our research team finds that another dove company, and or website is using our graphics without paying for them (basically, stealing them), site owners as well as those held accountable are notified immediately that they are infringing on our copyright and must pay the $500 premium we charge per photo that we will gladly bill you. This is clearly stated on our homepage about all of our works being protected under DMCA copyright laws; something we take very seriously! Some may consider this a fine, but we consider this our fee we set.
We will allow you to continue to use the photos only if you pay the royalties that are due which must be done prior to uploading or disseminating them in any manner. We then provide high-resolution images for use in helping you promote your business. If you do not pay for them prior, and we catch this, be prepared to pay the $500 Premium Fee per occurence we set, due to infringement on our works that you are not authorized to use. These individuals who steal from us might as well consider the photo as purchased according to our books and attorney. He is an expert in Copyright Laws and knows his stuff, so please don't challenge him. Please save yourself the embarassment and get permission first before you decide to illegally steal our works, and then force us to bill you the $500 premium price per picture.
Be on the safe side by purchasing the photos you would like to use; it's much more affordable to be honest than to be dishonest and steal people's time and works, not to mention having you on our wall of shame for trying to work around the system by denying your wrong doing once you realize you've been caught.
What is the typical "working life" (in years) of the birds that you sell?
The average working life is 6-8 years.
Do you fly both male and female birds in your White Dove Release Business?
We fly both cocks and hens on our flying team.
What is a "dropper?"
A dropper is a released pigeon that will fly straight to the loft's landing board. The dropper gets the racing pigeon's attention so that the racing bird will head to the landing board. White fantail pigeons often are used as droppers.
How do you attach the pigeon whistles?
Pigeon whistles (flutes) are a very old tradition that originated in Beijing, China. The whistles are attached to the center tail feathers of the bird. We provide easy to follow instructions with every Beijing Pigeon whistle purchase. We recommend that you fly at least nine birds with the flutes to help deter and scare the hawks away from your birds.
Where are you located?
We are located approximately 65 miles north of Salt Lake City, UT.
Is the White Dove Release Business suitable for someone retired?
Most certainly! We have seen tremendous growth and interest in this age group. There is a world of opportunity for those who are retired and have time available to serve the public. (Many of our retired customers also had birds at an earlier age.)
I was looking at the United Doves franchise; however, I can't decide whether I would like to buy one, or do this on my own.
I appreciate your interest and understand completely where you are coming from. If you don't have much knowledge about the birds, please start by learning as much as you can about them and please do not try this venture alone.
We realize that to some, the thought of going into a franchise means they won't have any say in how to run the business. Our franchise does have guidelines that are designed to ultimately make you successful, however, we are very easy going when it comes to being open to suggestions, new ideas, etc. Since all the franchises are independently owned, there is a lot of leniency as far as what is allowed. Our Franchises can DBA their business however they would like since this allows them to personalize the name, or they can simply use the United Doves of ... (location).
Due to the large email inquiries we receive, as well as the time that is demanded to return emails, we have found it necessary to distinguish those people who are just "Curious" about the business, versus those who are "Serious". If you fall into the serious category, and meet the minimal financial qualifications, we would be more than happy to send you our contract franchise packet to prepare you into joining this venture .
So many aspects to running a dove release business are overlooked, including all the daily care and time required to train the birds properly. This is where experience in this field is necessary. The only way to get this experience is to learn from those who know how it is done. Simply stated, I wouldn't ask a new salesman to sell me a car that happens to be the worst on his lot, and neither should you.
This service business must be approached with passion and professionalism. These are two of the many great attributes that successful people possess. In my experience, those who understand these attributes are the ones who make their business dream a reality.
I have spent countless hours talking with individuals about the birds and all aspects of the dove business, and there's much more to come as far as products and services are concerned. When I designed this website, my vision was to create a source of information and guidance that would be easily available to the public. People have told me often that our website -- more than others they have visited -- offers much more information and tools to point them in the right direction. Many have even told me this website has been an answer to their prayers!
We know the frustration of having to shop around until you feel like you've been going in circles with no direction or guidance. Our website provides the tools, information, and supplies you need to succeed in the White Dove Release Business, so you will have no need to look further.
Sign up for a new (free) account using the "Log in or Create Account" link at the very top of any page on this site. Then, take our survey to see whether you are ready to own a White Dove Release Business!
After the temperatures get too high to ship, do you allow customers to visit your loft and pick up birds for purchase?
Absolutely! We have met so many wonderful people in this business. You are more than welcome to stop by our loft. Just make sure you call us in advance, as we are extremely busy running both United Doves and White Pigeon Sales.
Do you band your birds?
We band all the birds we fly with (AU) sealed bands; however, most of our customers have asked us to just snap-band the birds. Please give us a call, and we will be more than happy to discuss banding methods.
Do people really make money in the White Dove Release Business?
Yes, they do. We know many people who do this for a living and are enjoying the American Dream. As with any business venture in life, one must have the ambition and drive to put forth the effort to promote the business. Those who truly put forth the effort make these dreams a reality.
How many Dove Releases can I expect to perform in a "good" year?
If you are serving an area with a large population base, expect to perform anywhere from 700-1,000 dove releases in a good year. Please don't put the cart before the horse. You will need several years to create enough publicity to make these goals a reality.
Creating a market for this type of intangible product is not an easy task, and to think you can do it without sound advice and good marketing is to go in blind and just asking for failure. You may as well give away $10,000-$12,000 of your hard-earned dollars, because you will lose money if you don't know what you are doing in this type of industry.
Realistically speaking, you should allow at least 5 years to achieve a range of 300-400 dove releases per year, assuming you know exactly what you are doing, make few big mistakes, and know the right way to market your business to the public. Without experience and marketing know-how, some dove release companies enjoy more of the hobby aspect of the business, rather than the business aspect. There is nothing wrong with this as many get the birds for simple enjoyment, a way to relax, etc.(If you're serious, we can help you gain the know-how and experience you need to succeed in the White Dove Release Business.)
What are the chances of being able to start a White Dove Release Business in an area that already has several dove release companies?
Those "first in" have a significant advantage over those just trying to copy the idea.
You have to love what you do, and do it to the very best of your ability. I suggest that you approach this venture to make meaning, as well as to educate others about the amazing role doves have played in history. What one dove release company does reflects on all the others, especially in this niche market.
The first White Dove Release Business in an area usually establishes a network of contacts, which makes it more difficult for another to take over the existing business relationships with the funeral homes and wedding planners. I recommend you do the research in your area to see what opportunities are available for white wedding doves and doves for funeral services, and then determine how many of these businesses an area will support. Please keep what I am going to mention here in the back of your mind; THE WORLD IS FULL OF ABUNDANCE, THERE IS PLENTY TO GO AROUND AS LONG AS YOU KEEP A GOOD ATTITUDE ABOUT THE BUSINESS. LEARN TO APPRECIATE THE GREATNESS OF YOUR SERVICE AND YOU WILL DO JUST FINE. CUSTOMERS WILL BE ABLE TO READ YOU, AND THEY WILL KNOW YOUR MOTIVES. ITS NOT ABOUT YOU, IT'S ABOUT TAKING CARE OF THE CUSTOMER 100% AND MEETING THEIR NEEDS.
Will you train the birds at our funeral home?
We would be more than happy to do this as long as you have the proper facilities to keep and care for the birds. Please call us and we can explain how the pricing works along with any other details you need to know. We will fly nationwide to get you started. We suggest you give us at least 3 months prior notice so we can plan our schedules accordingly.
Is this a growing industry?
This is one of the best kept secrets out there! Many people want to find new ways to set their services apart. The funeral sector is going through a strong movement to personalize their services with church doves and memorial doves. Dove funeral releases set them apart from other traditional services.
This is happening in the wedding sector as well. Many brides want more non-traditional unique weddings to set themselves apart with white church doves and white wedding doves. Though White Dove Releases are becoming more popular around the world, many wedding planners still are not aware of these services. Our job is to inform others about these white wedding doves services.
Does your company do more dove releases for weddings or for funerals?
We do more funerals; however, like any others, this business will go in cycles. We may do three funerals in a day, and not do any weddings in a week. At times, we have done two weddings in a day, and only one funeral in a week.
Demographics does play a role, however. We have seen areas of the country where a small dove company can do as many as three to four events in a week in a small town. This all comes down to the effort, as well as the need of the services in a given area.
Where do the doves go after they are released?
They circle overhead to get their bearings, and then they head home to the loft where they were raised from birth. (This is referring to the birds we personally raise and train in our own release program). If you acquire our birds at the prime age of 45-50 days old, you will be able to train them to your residence with no problem. This is the age range we always send our squeakers out at. They are healthy and strong enough to handle the USPS system, yet still not old enough on the wing and imprint to be untrainable.
The Homing imprint becomes very strong once the birds reach the age of 14-16 weeks old. Some people out there will say that you should never purchase birds from anyone else because they will not be able to be trained, this is simply FALSE, and we have years of experience that show how false it truly is. Thousands of our birds are sent all over the country and trained to their new residence. Our customers are very pleased with our product we send out to get them started in the business.
The Homing Instinct "Imprint" always becomes stronger in a bird as they become older. This is where one should use caution when purchasing birds from anyone that are older than the above age range mentioned. If you buy birds older than 14-16 weeks, you will be better off keeping them as prisoners or breeders, otherwise you may risk loosing the birds on the first free flight. Read about what happened to the individual who bought older birds, and thought they were smart enough to try and retrain birds that already had imprinted on a location for several years.
If you buy breeders from us you will NEVER be able to free fly them outside an enclosed loft due to the powerful instinct they have had bred in them. In the past, we had sold some breeders to an individual over 500 miles away. They claim they kept the birds in 6 months and thought they would be able to retrain them,(We emphasized to them to never let them out), well they didn't stand a chance. The birds bolted on their first opportunity, and they arrived back to our place in Cabot, AR. We called the individual we had sold the birds to, and to their amazement they made it back. We shipped the birds back to the individual, and made sure they were aware to keep them locked up for good. These birds are no joke, they are the real deal.
We know our birds are excellent birds with excellent homing ability, and this true story we mentioned proves it!! If you buy our breeders, NEVER LET THEM OUT, THEY WILL ATTEMPT TO RETURN BACK TO WHERE THEY WERE RAISED BY THE IMPRINT THEY HAVE MADE ON OUR LOFT.
How do the doves find their way back home?
The doves that are released are called Rock Doves, or Racing Homing Pigeons. They navigate their way home using magnetic fields. A great deal of scientific research has been done on this subject, and we now know that magnetite is found in the birds brains and their beaks. This magnetite helps them navigate home from many miles away.
How long does it take for the doves to get home?
The doves travel between 45-50 miles per hour and usually fly non-stop until they reach their home.
Will the doves make a mess?
If you are planning on doing a self release, they may!!The doves are never fed shortly before they are released; so they will be able to perform without soiling. They also fly with their feet tucked up underneath their body, which also prevents droppings.
Can the doves be bought from a pet store and be released?
No, doves bought in pet stores do not have the homing ability; therefore, it would be inhumane to release these pet-store doves in the wild. They would quickly fall prey to other animals.
Please support your local dove business by arranging the birds through trained professionals who are members of the White Dove Release Network, and also active members of the American Racing Pigeon Union. The goal is to have people think and talk highly of the service, not make fun of it. Dove releases not performed by knowledgeable staff can bring undesired results. There is a right way and a wrong way to liberate doves.
Can the doves be released indoors?
No, they are only trained to be released outdoors. However, they always make a beautiful display indoors.
Can the doves be released at dark?
Normally the doves must be released by one hour prior to sunset to enable them to return home to their loft before dark, however,if prior arrangements are made, we can release the birds for plays at nightime safely. If you would like to see one of our recent Passion Play night releases, please visit our videos page. These night releases take lots of experience and training and only a few select birds have the ability to fly at nighttime. We only use the birds we know have this special ability, and are trained to fly on the prompt.
Would you be willing to send me some hard copy info of your works?
Our material is copyrighted, and we cannot distribute the hard copy of our "Techniques and Methods" handbook of how we manage our business. This information is available only through our Franchise Opportunity. We will gladly share this with those who join our team.
If you have general questions about the White Dove Release Business, we can discuss this with you. We appreciate your understanding why we must protect the intellectual property on which we have spent large sums of money and research.
What is most important to know about the loft in order to raise these birds healthy?
I'm glad you asked! Some people who are completely new to bird raising often will lose a bird or two. In most cases, this could have been avoided had they put the food and water in front of the birds.
When the birds leave our loft, they are put into a completely new and unfamiliar environment. Since these birds are just weaned, some will still have a hard time eating and drinking when food and water are not easily within reach.
Squeakers usually do not die because they are sick (we thoroughly check each bird before shipping). Although the stress of shipping can cause losses, the most common reason for loss is that the birds do not get food and water where they can reach it. Birds that cannot adapt to their new environment and get the food and water they need will likely die. This is why food and water must always be in front of them and easily accessible at all times.
We now send out instructions with every bird purchase, this helps our customers to have a clear idea of what birds need to help them recover from stress and adapt to their new environment.
Additional questions? Please feel free to contact us. We will post on this page for others to view.
Kind regards,
White Pigeon Sales